Jesus and His earliest disciples were dangerous about the Truth! We should be no different!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Ebola and the Hegelian Dialectic

For the entirety of this post, I want the reader to feel free to liberally interchange ISIS and Ebola with one another.

(As of 12/1/14, the latest hegelian flavor of the week or month is race baiting and division. Be sure to look past the contrived headlines, partial reporting of the truth and fear-mongering to find the deeper agendas at work. Cities and nations divided along racial lines make for easy spoils when the BIG event goes down).

Please do yourself a favor and research the phrase hegelian dialectic. Spend 30-60 minutes to find out what this phrase really means and refers to in today's culture. In the dark and treacherous days in which we live, we must be able to differentiate and discern between propaganda and the truth, and if you are still tuning into the corporate mainstream media (any outlets…I don't care if it's CNN, BBC, Fox or any other), I guarantee you are getting scary doses of propaganda, confusion, with a hefty side of fear-mongering.

I have posted on the hegelian dialectic before:

What is the Hegelian Dialectic?

This theme is more significant and pertinent now than it ever has been in our world's history, and the issue of Ebola (or ISIS) is a perfect case study. These issues popped up in the previous 3-5 months seemingly out of nowhere. What has resulted? Well, we have our war with Syria now. No boots on the ground though! How long before WW3 stops simmering under the surface and explodes onto the global scene?

The timeless formula for the hegelian dialectic follows:

Problem:  Introduce a pandemic into the world's population to help further dismantle our crumbling western world. A man-made, bio-terror weapon like Ebola would be perfect. Compound the issue with contradictory and false claims about the virus and how it actually spreads. Leave your national borders unsecured, continue international flights to and from highly infected areas and fail to provide hospitals with adequate training and resources to fight a possible pandemic. All this makes perfect sense. Obey and trust your elite globalist government officials. They have everything under control and are working with your best interests at heart!

Reaction:  Mainstream news reports:  EBOLA…EBOLAEBOLA!!!  Population becomes gripped by fear and panic starts to set in as the coverage piles up about the deadly virus spreading. Mid-term elections then approach, and poof, EBOLA disappear!!!

Solution:  Let's get people to run to their nearest medical outpost for their life-saving vaccine. And run they will, like it's a release for the Apple 7th generation smartphone. Beware of compulsory vaccination for this or any other bioengineered disease.

(As of 2/1/15, the latest headlines dominating the mainstream media (from what I've heard), relate to the highly contentious debate over vaccines, specifically making them compulsory. It does not take a ton of vision to see where all of this is going.

Consider this:  The same system that vehemently pushes (and legalized) a woman's right to choose on aborting (aka murdering) babies wants to usurp our right to choose whether we inject our kids with man-made cocktails including known neurotoxins? Oh, the irony and hypocrisy of it all...The world is nuts!)

Our government has had research and other vaccine application patents on Ebola for a few years now.

Get informed about where events are leading us and remember…Ignorance in the information age is a choice.

The following documentary is a good place to start. I can guarantee you will experience cognitive dissonance if you are able to view the entire thing. Only realize, it relies solely on credible source documentation throughout. Trust me, it sucks to find out that the world you thought you lived in was more or less a total illusion, but getting to the truth is worth it. What could be more valuable?

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