Jesus and His earliest disciples were dangerous about the Truth! We should be no different!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

What is Geoengineering and Does It Affect You and Me?

Jesus warned us that violent weather pattern changes would be an identifying characteristic of the latter days (see Matthew 24 & Luke 21). I used to think these events would be attributed directly to the justice of God against an evil generation on par with Noah's day. I no longer think this is necessarily the case.

While I do admit that He is allowing these weather changes to transpire, I now know that the violent effects Jesus warned us about will be and are a result of man's handiwork. I gather that most people don't want to admit it, but civilized man, possesses the technology and desire to control and manipulate weather. America has had such technology since the Vietnam War. We are being experimented upon like lab rats.

I defy anyone to comment on this blog and try to convince me that we are looking at contrails in our skies on a daily basis. Do contrails have a tendency to linger, expand, settle and blot out the sun for hours? This is a global phenomenon as well. I have witnessed these trails in England, Scotland and all over America.

When you factor in other technologies like HAARP and genetically-modified seeds from Monsanto, the most evil corporation on the planet, you have a real recipe to dominate and decimate the earth's population. Yet, very few people seem concerned or even aware. I wonder why the Bible warns about deadly famines and earthquakes in high population zones in the last days? All the ingredients to artificially cause these abnormally destructive events are on the table…It's not a hard recipe to execute anymore.

So, let me explain just a moment on how the daily spraying of these chemicals into our skies connects with Monsanto's plans. Soil samples in diverse places have been tested, and it has been confirmed that one of the main chemicals in the spray is Aluminum Oxide (which reflects sunlight back into space; also not very good for our respiratory health!). Expert shills that even admit to this sick program will tell you that such activity must go on to combat global warming. We should not believe everything we hear, because all that stuff is propaganda and lies.

Getting back on point, the chemicals eventually seep into the soil through natural processes or more rapidly through rain. Well, these chemicals don't exactly help support the homeostasis of farming or food-growing environments. On the contrary, soon, only GMO seeds provided by Monsanto will be available and even able to grow in these toxic wastelands. GMOs are genetically modified to grow in even the harshest (artificially constructed) environments. The results are simple and frightening; people will continue to grow sicker, weaker and new cancer cases will continue to skyrocket and ravage our populaces. Man-made famines and pestilences will then take on biblical proportions.

Maybe the inscriptions from the Georgia Guidestones and the warnings of the Bible about the last days should be taken more seriously. 

What do you think? 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Spirit of Defiance Pervades American Culture

If you have not discovered this about me yet, I absolutely love God and His Word! I am not at all satisfied with cultural christianity or the diluted form of godliness/religion without power I see in America. He has given me a supernatural hunger for prophecy and divine truth, because I believe, our time (whether you consider eschatology or brevity of life) is short.

Some may find me too enthusiastic for the things of God. To be honest, I sure hope that I can attain such a legacy, especially in light of the fact that all those who fervently loved God down throughout history had similar things said about them.

I wish there was always good news to report. However, the signs of the times are clear. The same judgments that fell upon ancient Israel are at America's door step today (Isaiah 9:10 - 21). The amazing truth though is that mercy triumphs over judgment, and God delights in grace and mercy!

2 Chronicles 7:14 is such a beautiful and pertinent promise from God for a time like this! I pray that the anti-christ fueled "spirit of defiance" would be broken so we could bless God and be able to partake in the 7:14 promises this side of Heaven.

What are the HARBINGERS About?