Jesus and His earliest disciples were dangerous about the Truth! We should be no different!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Hiddenness of God

The Truth is always out there to be discovered, but you will soon find that God has done some extraordinary things to bury and conceal it from the proud and haughty (click this link for outstanding supplementary article). His prerequisites to finding Truth (in all its forms, including the most glorious Personification of the Word made flesh) must first be acknowledged and obeyed in humility before the journey can even really begin.

It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter.  (Proverbs 25:2)

Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.  (Jeremiah 33:3)

Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but He shall reveal his secrets unto his servants the prophets.  (Amos 3:7)

And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand.  (Luke 8:10)

He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.  (Matthew 13:11)

Jesus answered him, I spoke openly to the world; I ever taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, where the Jews always resort; and in secret have I said nothing.  (John 18:20)

Behold, I come like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake and remains clothed, so as not to go naked and be shamefully exposed.  (Revelation 16:15)

Mysteries of the (end) times and seasons are meant to be known, but only by them that have qualified themselves (in Jesus) to understand the deep things of God. The Father delights to reveal His plans to His children who diligently seek Him. To avoid the judgment of seeing yet never perceiving and hearing but never understanding, you must love the Lord and desire the truth He reveals more than anything else. For without faith is it impossible to please Him; for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.  (Hebrews 11:6)

The question is: What group are you in? Those permitted to know the signs of the times and the secrets of the kingdom or the uninformed outsider who was not watching and allowed the thief to break in?

There is quickly approaching a time that a casual follower of Jesus can no longer afford to remain in the dark and unconcerned about the season we are entering. Intense persecution of all who profess Jesus' name may not be here yet, but be warned that it is coming very soon. Our culture has utterly embraced depravity. It now calls evil good and good evil (Isaiah 5:20). Whenever this happens in a society, you have His promise marked through history that time is short and the Remnant must come out and be holy. Let us not be destroyed due to lack of knowledge or understanding. Rather, be sober, vigilant and watching for Yahweh has and will provide a way of escape for those who trust Him.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Reality of a Cosmic War

From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is a drama of stories about Satan working to oppose and obstruct the purposes of God. As fresh revelation was passed down orally or penned by the prophets, Satan and his fallen angelic armies went about constructing their war plans for earth and its inhabitants, who they swore to only subjugate and dominate; never serve.

Follow with me as I outline only a few story lines where we can find Satan working to kill, destroy and corrupt the human line.

  1. Genesis 3:  Satan succeeds in breaking man's perfect relationship with Yahweh; God promises and delivers redemption and restoration to all who exercise repentance and faith in Jesus. 
  2. Genesis 6:  Satan sends some of his soldiers to corrupt the human genome. These fallen angels left their proper estate (2nd heaven), clothed themselves with flesh (changed shape and substance) and had sexual relations with women and animals to hybridize the human race (as well as creation in general) so the Messiah's blood line would become completely contaminated, and He would not be able to manifest as the Son of Man on earth "to crush the serpent's head." God responds with the Flood of Noah. Satan was allowed to get close to his goal, but Yahweh is able to make all things (even the impossible) new!
  3. Genesis 11:  Satan raises up his newest version of the serpent's seed (see Genesis 3:15) post-flood in Nimrod. They succeed in causing the whole world to rebel against Yahweh at the Tower of Babel. Humanity is enslaved to do Satan's will until God intervenes to judge the world with the confusion of languages (so they would discontinue their work on their tower, a star gate into heaven) and enforced dispersion over the whole face of the earth. Out of the 70 nations and tongues created that day, Yahweh would choose only one group to be His peculiar and special people--the Hebrews. The other gentile nations were forfeited (for a prolonged season) and placed under fallen dominions and authorities to follow and be dominated by worthless "gods" which was part of the dispersion judgment of these peoples who rebelled with Nimrod. In essence, Yahweh's decision to invest and use one nation out of 70 was Him saying, Lucifer, let me totally stack the deck in your favor; you will still be crushed.
  4. Exodus 5:  Satan uses Pharaoh and Egypt to oppress the growing Hebrew people with great cruelty. Male israelite babies have been sacrificed in the Nile due to a diabolical depopulation agenda perpetrated against Israel. Yahweh raises up His chosen leader, Moses. 10 great plagues of warning/judgment ultimately lead to Pharaoh agreeing to send Israel away into the wilderness. However, Satan's chosen representative on earth, against all good reason, decides to pursue Israel to wipe them out in the wilderness. Instead, God's judgment is sealed against them with the crushing power of the Red Sea drowning Pharaoh's forces.
  5. Numbers 13:  During the 400 years that Israel spent growing as a nation under the yoke of slavery (only about 200 years actually spent in cruel forced labor) in Egypt, Satan's schemes focus in on the peoples (Canaanites - which makes for a fascinating story all its own) living in the land Yahweh promised Abraham. A minefield of mighty Nephilim reproduce there to await the arrival of Moses, Joshua and Caleb. The 10 spies along with Joshua and Caleb come back to give the Hebrew nation their report of the land. 2 reports are given. The 10 spies tell their nation what they saw, and by the time everyone digests their "evil" report, Joshua and Caleb have no chance to convince them to obey God's command to go in and wipe these Nephilim tribes out at once. The people were too busy quaking in fear and crapping their pants, and this came on the heels of just seeing Yahweh deliver them out of Egypt supernaturally with immeasurable power and majesty. God then forces His people to wander the wilderness for 40 years as a judgment for their cowardly lack of obedience. Once all the cowardly, disobedient men have fallen in the wilderness, Yahweh gives Joshua the green light to go in, totally destroy the Nephilim tribes and take possession of Israel's promised land. God put a demoralizing and paralyzing fear of His people into the hearts of these wicked hybrid tribes. Yahweh's hosts and servants assisted Israel with confusing and annihilating almost all of these satanic serpent seed. 

Now, it is difficult to miss the undeniable thread of Satan's moves and Yahweh's counter moves throughout the entire story. The whole Bible and all of history attest to the reality of this Cosmic War. It has been raging in the heavens and spilling over onto earth since Lucifer rebelled and took a third of the angels with him. 

Let's fast forward to our recent past and consider the Nazi movement of the 1930s and '40s. Can we find a satanic agenda in what Hitler was trying to accomplish on earth in those days? Was Hitler working as a willing and devoted representative of Satan in our recent past? Who was his primary target? Although the Jews were not dwelling in their homeland, Hitler waged a demonic holy war to hunt and exterminate them (along with stealing all their wealth to pile up funds for further conquest) everywhere his war machine tread. History is replete with anti-christ figures waging war with Israel to wipe them all out. It's a miracle of miracles that the Jewish people have been largely gathered back into their homeland in the last century. How did they survive? How did their culture and language survive such an extensive multi-millenia diaspora? 

Israel is again in deep trouble today. The Arab Spring nations threaten to wipe them off the map openly in the press. These incessant and real threats are hints, that at its core, Islam is not the peaceful religion our media would have us to believe it is. The will of Allah seems directly and diametrically opposed to that of Yahweh when it comes to the peace and security of His chosen people, Israel. (Special Note: Divine Judgment as outlined in Blessings/Curses of Deuteronomy 28 and Jesus' words upon entering Jerusalem during Passion Week notwithstanding). The truth is that sometimes Yahweh does use gentile nations to chasten and punish a people bent on rebelling against Him even against all their better judgment and vivid imagery of Deuteronomy 28. He allowed it with the Assyrians, Babylonians and Persians in recorded history.

Are conflicts in the Middle East today poised to fulfill more remaining Bible prophecy? Time will tell I suppose. And honestly, I don't think we will have to wait long to find out.

Disclaimer:  Much of the details listed above in points # 2 & 3 that you cannot find in the Bible were taken directly from 1 Enoch and the Book of Jasher (both apocryphal texts highly valued by the ancient Hebrews and Jews of Jesus' day). Jasher is validated by at least 3 explicit references in Old Testament documents. The highly mysterious and misunderstood New Testament book of Jude is largely a tribute and re-telling of 1 Enoch. Jude even quotes a verse from 1 Enoch verbatim at one point. 2 Peter 2:4 also gives 1 Enoch a clear shout-out to the fact that Jews in Jesus' day venerated the text profusely (to help understand the evils of the antediluvian world). Portions of both were also found amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls in Qumran.

References to things such as the 2nd heaven (or even 3rd heaven) can be verified and validated directly from Scripture. Many people believe that Satan's headquarters are in hell. That is not true. He and his fallen army are the princes and powers of the air. They dwell in the 2nd heaven. References to angels being able to shape shift, manipulate matter and interact with humans in our physical dimension are replete throughout Scripture.

Here are my 3 favorite extra-biblical books for further study on spiritual warfare all of which are written by Derek Prince (each speaks at length about the 1st, 2nd & 3rd heavens with Bible references).

Spiritual Warfare

Pulling Down Strongholds

Rules of Engagement

Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Awakening as Depicted in America's National Harbor

For anyone that has not seen it, I suggest checking out:

"The Awakening" Monument in our National Harbor

What is this "awakening" depicting? Who is this giant bearded god rising up out of the ground, and why is this bizarre imagery in our national harbor?

Could this be Nimrod/Gilgamesh? I took the red pill a while back, and every day I uncover more in my research that leads me to believe that our reality is now the Twilight Zone. Does anyone else find these images incredibly odd or disturbing? 

If you enjoy research, feel free to study what our American troops uncovered in Iraq in the year 2003. We may not have found plutonium-enriched weapons of mass destruction (which was never the true mission anyway), but there have been many reports that the remains of Gilgamesh were discovered and brought back to America for study and the extraction of DNA. I sure bet the transhumanists were foaming at the mouth to get this corpse into their labs for experimentation!

For wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together. (Matt. 24:28 - KJV)

You have to love that old reliable King James translation. Where virtually every other translation gets it wrong, we can depend on the KJV to honor Jesus' intended meaning behind some of his His most cryptic words. People wonder all the time about where America might be in Bible prophecy. Well, Jesus seems to point out here that American leaders were to have an unhealthy, obsessive really, interest in locating and stealing the corpse of the world's 1st anti-christ figure. In the Bible, this Gilgamesh figure goes by another name, a title actually--Nimrod, meaning "we shall rebel."

I have shared this video in previous posts, but there is some great commentary on the National Harbor monument backing up to the 10:50 mark.