Jesus and His earliest disciples were dangerous about the Truth! We should be no different!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Awakening as Depicted in America's National Harbor

For anyone that has not seen it, I suggest checking out:

"The Awakening" Monument in our National Harbor

What is this "awakening" depicting? Who is this giant bearded god rising up out of the ground, and why is this bizarre imagery in our national harbor?

Could this be Nimrod/Gilgamesh? I took the red pill a while back, and every day I uncover more in my research that leads me to believe that our reality is now the Twilight Zone. Does anyone else find these images incredibly odd or disturbing? 

If you enjoy research, feel free to study what our American troops uncovered in Iraq in the year 2003. We may not have found plutonium-enriched weapons of mass destruction (which was never the true mission anyway), but there have been many reports that the remains of Gilgamesh were discovered and brought back to America for study and the extraction of DNA. I sure bet the transhumanists were foaming at the mouth to get this corpse into their labs for experimentation!

For wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together. (Matt. 24:28 - KJV)

You have to love that old reliable King James translation. Where virtually every other translation gets it wrong, we can depend on the KJV to honor Jesus' intended meaning behind some of his His most cryptic words. People wonder all the time about where America might be in Bible prophecy. Well, Jesus seems to point out here that American leaders were to have an unhealthy, obsessive really, interest in locating and stealing the corpse of the world's 1st anti-christ figure. In the Bible, this Gilgamesh figure goes by another name, a title actually--Nimrod, meaning "we shall rebel."

I have shared this video in previous posts, but there is some great commentary on the National Harbor monument backing up to the 10:50 mark.

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