Jesus and His earliest disciples were dangerous about the Truth! We should be no different!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Transhumanism, Eugenics and Genetically-Modified Organisms

The 3 Main Goals of the Transhumanist movement:
  1. Extend Life
  2. Enhance Intelligence
  3. Be "god"
Does any of that sound familiar? This sounds exactly like three lies found in Genesis 3.

The Days of Noah have arrived. Not sure? Are you curious what the Days of Noah were really like leading up to Yahweh's determination to drown the entire world save Noah's immediate family?

Could any of this material factor into the strong delusion or great deception Jesus spoke of for the last days? I know how I would answer that question, but what do you think? 

Time will soon tell if people like this Bible teacher or me (for that matter) are totally nuts. I'll gladly bear such a reproach if I'm able to expose things which are bound to happen and come openly upon the earth before their appointed season.

Actually, my last sentence is a bit misleading because we have already seen this type of genetic tampering result in the mass homicide of millions of souls only 50 - 70 years ago with the Nazi eugenics movement. Hitler was after a diabolical vision to create a perfect Aryan super race to establish a millennial kingdom. I wonder where he got his inspiration and marching orders from to pursue something so sinister under state approval. Thank God his reign of terror only lasted 12 years, but we still have to wrestle with the reality that any of those very real atrocities actually took place. The amount of propaganda, lies and deception required to pull off the Holocaust was staggering when you really think about it.

How often do we consider the implications and forces behind a state-endorsed abortion movement which has claimed 55+ million souls in the civilized United States and over a billion worldwide in the last century?!

History seems bound to repeat itself. How long will the Church slumber with all these things going on? One thing I am thankful for is that in the midst of such chaos God always preserves a mighty remnant. I will seek to be numbered among them. The days for playing church and having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof need to end (II Tim 3:5). We won't be able to stand firm in the days ahead unless we obey the voice of Jesus to the Laodicean Church in Revelation 3: 14 - 22.

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