Jesus and His earliest disciples were dangerous about the Truth! We should be no different!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Significance of the Nephilim

So, why exactly is it so important to reclaim a proper understanding of the Days of Noah and the high strangeness that took place at that time (and after)?

Is this merely a peripheral issue or is it highly significant?

I agree with Chuck Missler in that one cannot understand major portions of the Old Testament and major prophetic issues (dating as far back as Genesis 3:15) unless you recognize the reality of this strange passage in Genesis 6:4. The passage says, "There were giants in the earth in those [Flood] days; and also after that." So there were some occurrences of this kind even after the Flood. In Genesis 14 and 15 and later in the Old Testament, certain tribes--the Rephaim, the Emim, the Horim, the Zamsummim--are Nephilim. Arba, Anak and his seven sons were the Anakim. (Learn the Bible in 24 Hours, Missler, pg. 26)

They were encountered in Canaan in Numbers 13 when Moses sent the 12 spies. The ten who came back terrified said, "There are giants in the land" (the word is Nephilim).

Og, the king of Bashan, is the King of the Giants in Deuteronomy 3 and Joshua 12. There are 5 explicit references to the Nephilim in chapters 1 - 5 of Deuteronomy.

The story of Goliath is unmistakably one about a descendant of the Nephilim among the Philistines. (1 Samuel 17)

Have you ever wondered why David took 5 smooth stones with him into his fight with Goliath? Your answer can be found in 2 Samuel 21. Goliath had 4 Gathite relatives (likely brothers); all giants. This is one of the most telling passages in Scripture about the strange physiological differences these giants exhibited in their bodies. 2 Samuel 21: 20 says, "And there was yet a battle in Gath, where was a man of great stature, that had on every hand six fingers, and on every foot six toes, four and twenty in number; and he also was born to the giant." If you read too fast, you can easily miss this astounding fact recorded in Scripture.

1 Chronicles 20: 5 - 6 details the same encounter outlined in 2 Samuel 21. The text says, "And there was war again with the Philistines; and Elhanan the son of Jair slew Lahmi the brother of Goliath the Gittite, whose spear staff was like a weaver's beam. And yet again there was wear at Gath, where was a man of great stature, whose fingers and toes were four and twenty, six on each hand, and six on each foot and he also was the son of a giant."

Repetition in God's Word always equates to reinforcing that certain details are very important to note and remember. Another point worth mentioning here is that David's friends (like Elhanan) had so learned from him that they also became giant slayers!

Centuries later, Sioux and other Native American tribes claimed encountering giants in North America (presumably from the Amorites who managed to escape extermination at the hands of Joshua and Israel as they took possession of their Promised Land). The giants they claimed to encounter almost always had six fingers and six toes, leading to certain precautionary tribal customs in their hand signal greetings out of paranoia and fear of these mighty, monstrous hunters.

Now, is this an exhaustive look at all the references of the giants in the Bible? No, there are still yet other compelling references to giants in the Bible. Amos 2: 9 - 10 says, "Yet destroyed I the Amorite before them, whose height was like the height of cedars, and he was strong as the oaks; yet I destroyed his fruit from above, and his roots from beneath. Also I brought you up from the land of Egypt, and led you forty years through the wilderness, to possess the land of the Amorite."

1 Chronicles 11: 22 - 23 details yet another account of a giant and two "lionlike men of Moab" among a pit on a snowy day.

I have provided 15 specific references to nephilim/giants in the Old Testament. I have not even referenced Nimrod from Genesis 10 and 11 at the Tower of Babel (until now). Scripture seems to hint that he somehow became or developed into a Nephilim or HaGibborim according to Genesis 10:8. His story (also partially told in the Epic of Gilgamesh) is just as deep, troubling and fascinating as the Days of Noah. The Book of Jasher is the best place to go for a more detailed narrative on this charismatic giant of many names responsible for the language/diaspora judgment of Babel. Could the spirit of this ancient Assyrian play a role in reviving the Nephilim in the last days (see Apollo's story in Revelation 9)? An interesting fact about him is that he was the world's first king/dictator of a one-world socioeconomic religious system of total rebellion. Does that sound familiar? He was the world's first anti-christ.

How fascinating, mysterious and incredible is the Bible? I hope that my coverage of some of these murkier subjects has ignited or revived a greater desire in you to daily mine the treasure readily available (but often hidden) in HIStory.

If you're not certain about the significance of this topic yet, please understand that the world has an insatiable hunger for regaining the esoteric knowledge of the ancients. Occult activity is burgeoning to unprecedented levels! If the Church continues to refuse to engage or lead the culture on these topics, we will continue to become even more irrelevant (if that were really possible). Consider briefly the following 21st Century evidences...

  1. History Channel's Ancient Aliens on its 5th Season (creating new believers in "aliens" every day)
  2. The intellectual giant, Richard Dawkins, has been recorded speculating as to plausibility of the Ancient Astronaut theory for the seeding of this planet in his debates against those who support intelligent design. In other words, the Annunaki or aliens traveled intergalactic space and stepped into our world in the ancient past to alter or tamper with our distant ancestors' genetic code to create modern man. He seems to surmise there is some kind of evidence for alien mischief in our past. He just won't call them what the Bible does. 
  3. Hollywood pumps out more of this type of material to condition its audience to the normalization of the hybrid/eugenics/transhumanist agenda. Five explicit examples from the past five years follow below:
There is a sinister satanic agenda behind all of these pop culture trends. It has infiltrated every sector of society. People are being conditioned to welcome some really strange stuff in the not-too-distant future. We already have invited or remained indifferent to unthinkable atrocities on the earth. It's happened before in the past, most notably in the Days of Noah, and it will happen again.

That which has been is that which will be,
That which has been done is that which will be done.
So there is nothing new under the sun.
(Ecclesiastes 1:9)

Monday, April 7, 2014

Decoding the Days of Noah Continued...

As the days of Noah were, so shall the coming of the Son of man be (Matthew 24:37). What a strange and cryptic remark. What was it exactly about the Days of Noah that caused Jesus to single it out as the period of history to put under the microscope to properly understand the truly last days leading up to the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord?

Most people do not fully understand the Flood of Noah because they have no grasp of the real problem it was sent to resolve. There was much more to the Flood of Noah than simply a lot of water:  There was a major discontinuity; much greater than simply the sinfulness of man.

Genesis 6: 1 - 2 is a single sentence. It says, "And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose."

The understanding of this passage hangs on the Hebrew term that has been translated "sons of God," Bene HaElohim. In the Old Testament this term refers exclusively to angels. Many similar terms are used for other things, but this specific term always refers to a direct creation of God, and it alludes to angels whom we find in Job chapters 1, 2, 38 and other places. (We also find it in the New Testament, specifically in Luke 20:36).

Perhaps our most authoritative source is the Greek translation of the Old Testament from the 3rd century B.C., known as the Septuagint. Greek is a very precise language, and the seventy scholars who produced the Septuagint (a fancy word for seventy) help us understand the Hebrew from which it was translated. The Septuagint clearly translates this term as "angels."

Another important phrase is "the daughters of men" (benoth adam). They are the daughters of Adam, not just the daughters of Cain.

Genesis 6:4 says, "There were Nephilim in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." The word "Nephilim" means "the fallen ones." It comes from a verb, "to fall away," "to cast down," or "desert." These were the hybrids that resulted from the mischief between the fallen angels and human women. Another unusual term, "the mighty ones," the HaGibborim, is mentioned here. That was translated into the Greek Septuagint as gigantes, which does not mean "giant" but "earth-born," from the Greek gigas. Although the word is translated into English as "giants"--and they did happen to be very large--it is not true to the original text. This has caused a lot of confusion.

Later, in Genesis 6:9, we read, "These are the generations of Noah:  Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God." The word perfect is a term to mean "without blemish," "sound," "healthful," "without spot," or "unimpaired." It is always used with regard to physical defects. The Scripture is telling us that Noah was distinctive in that his genealogy was not blemished.

As we begin to put this together, it leads us to the strange idea that there were fallen angels that, somehow, began this strange business of generating a hybrid group called "Nephilim." This bizarre view is confirmed in the New Testament in Jude 6 - 7: "And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto judgment of the great day. Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire." Jude made an allusion to these events in Genesis 6 and clearly he was writing about angels who, for whatever reason, went after "strange flesh."

Peter, in his second letter, chapter 2: 4 - 5, also says, "For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; and spared not the old world, but saved Noah…" Peter wrote much the same thing as Jude, but he even tied it specifically to the days of Noah. He also used a term for hell that was only used in the New Testament: tartarus, a term used in Greek literature for "a dark abode of woe" or "a pit of darkness of the unseen world." In Homer's Iliad, it is thought to be as far below Hades as the earth is below heaven.  (Learn the Bible in 24 Hours, Missler, pgs. 26 - 27)

My next couple of entries will postulate exactly why understanding the true events of Noah's Flood is so vitally important, especially in the last days.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Decoding the Days of Noah

I am a passionate student of history. My favorite epochs to study are ancient world history and church history with an emphasis on revival periods.

Now, I fully admit that the idea of inter-dimensional beings (aka "fallen angels," "demons" or "aliens") coming down with a plan to intrude upon and usurp God's created order on earth is very strange. The notion that their plan included the creation of a hybrid offspring with human women is out there. I grant you that. The question is…Did this actually happen, as the Bible seems to say?

As strange as this idea might seem, I know from my study of history that virtually every ancient culture on earth, including Sumer, Assyria, Egypt, the Incas, the Mayans, the Aztecs, the Babylonians, the Persians, Greece, India, Bolivia, South Sea Islands, and the Sioux Indians of the United States have detailed oral and written legends of such events. They all have stories about "star people" or gods of some kind who produced offspring on earth. It is also worth noting that virtually every culture mentioned above has a catastrophic flood legend recorded.

For example, in Greek mythology, the Titans were partly celestial, partly terrestrial. They rebelled against their father Uranus, and after a prolonged contest, they were defeated by Zeus and condemned into Tartarus. Atlas and Hercules were also Nephilim. They presumably were the hybrid offspring of the gods mixing with human women.

So, what does the Bible text (Genesis 6) really have to say in the story of Noah? Many students of the Bible have encountered an interpretation of these passages known as "the lines of Seth" view. This interpretation assumes that "the sons of God" refers to the leadership of the line of Seth and the line of Cain. The "sons of God" are thought to be from the line of Seth, and the "daughters of Adam" are thought to be those from Cain. And, according to this view, the sin involved was their failure to maintain separation…the two were not to mix. This theory started in the 2nd/3rd Century A.D. Celsus and Julian the Apostate used the traditional belief, which we call the sons of God/angel view, to attack Christianity. Julius Africanus (and later, Augustine of Hippo) resorted to the Sethite theory as a more comfortable way of dealing with this.

The problem with the Sethite view is that it violates the text. The phrase, "sons of God," is never used of believers in the Old Testament. Furthermore, Seth was not God and Cain was not Adam. Blurring those distinctions imposes on the text. The idea that they were supposed to stay separate is strange because individual lines don't show up until Genesis 11. Isaac was the first one to be told to remain separate, not Ishmael or any of the others. In any case, in chapter 6, "all flesh are corrupted," which includes the Sethites. If they were supposed to represent the good guys, why did they drown in the flood? The inferred godliness of Seth turns out to be wrong because only Enoch and the eight people in the Ark were spared in the Flood.

The real problem is the Nephilim. When believers and unbelievers marry, they do not yield offspring that are physiologically different. The Scripture indicates that the offspring were distinctive: the HaGibborim, the mighty ones. And what made Noah's genealogy so distinctive was that his family tree was uncontaminated with these strange intrusions.

In summary, the Sethite view violates the text itself. It depends on inferred separation that the text does not support. It infers the godliness of the Sethites, which the text does not support. It infers a Cainite subset of the Adamites, which is reading into the text. The result of this is unnatural offspring, which is unexplained by the Sethite view. The New Testament confirms the angel or inter-dimensional being view.  (Learn the Bible in 24 Hours, Missler, pg. 28)

To be continued...

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Transhumanism, Eugenics and Genetically-Modified Organisms

The 3 Main Goals of the Transhumanist movement:
  1. Extend Life
  2. Enhance Intelligence
  3. Be "god"
Does any of that sound familiar? This sounds exactly like three lies found in Genesis 3.

The Days of Noah have arrived. Not sure? Are you curious what the Days of Noah were really like leading up to Yahweh's determination to drown the entire world save Noah's immediate family?

Could any of this material factor into the strong delusion or great deception Jesus spoke of for the last days? I know how I would answer that question, but what do you think? 

Time will soon tell if people like this Bible teacher or me (for that matter) are totally nuts. I'll gladly bear such a reproach if I'm able to expose things which are bound to happen and come openly upon the earth before their appointed season.

Actually, my last sentence is a bit misleading because we have already seen this type of genetic tampering result in the mass homicide of millions of souls only 50 - 70 years ago with the Nazi eugenics movement. Hitler was after a diabolical vision to create a perfect Aryan super race to establish a millennial kingdom. I wonder where he got his inspiration and marching orders from to pursue something so sinister under state approval. Thank God his reign of terror only lasted 12 years, but we still have to wrestle with the reality that any of those very real atrocities actually took place. The amount of propaganda, lies and deception required to pull off the Holocaust was staggering when you really think about it.

How often do we consider the implications and forces behind a state-endorsed abortion movement which has claimed 55+ million souls in the civilized United States and over a billion worldwide in the last century?!

History seems bound to repeat itself. How long will the Church slumber with all these things going on? One thing I am thankful for is that in the midst of such chaos God always preserves a mighty remnant. I will seek to be numbered among them. The days for playing church and having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof need to end (II Tim 3:5). We won't be able to stand firm in the days ahead unless we obey the voice of Jesus to the Laodicean Church in Revelation 3: 14 - 22.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Just as it was in the Days of Noah, so it shall Be...

Have we misunderstood why our loving God ordered Joshua and Israel to wipe out the foreign nations residing in the Promised Land in ancient times?

Numbers 13:33

I believe that we have, and the same is true of the Great Flood when only Noah and his family was spared (after all flesh had been corrupted according to Genesis 6). A big reason that God saw Noah as "righteous" was that he had not allowed his genetic line to be tainted or contaminated with any of the serpent's seed (see Genesis 3:15). He was pure in all of his generations (Genesis 6: 9 - 12).

It may shock many people to know that there was a "DNA War" going on during Noah's day (just as there is today). If you're not sure that there is such a war taking place today, take some time to research terms like eugenics or transhumanism. You will be stunned to find out what the world's leading scientists and elites are perpetrating in their experiments on the human genome and attempts to create a post-human future where we "will become like gods." It's the days of Noah being repeated all over again just as Jesus predicted.

In regards to the possibility of a DNA War happening during Noah's day, it is really arrogant, ignorant and misguided of modern man to look back on Noah's era with a contemptuous and prideful superiority complex. Consider the following carefully…

  1. Noah and people from his era lived 500 - 900 years. They forgot more knowledge and wisdom in their first 250 years than we gain in our 60 - 80 year lifespans.
  2. The Ark that Noah built was a feat of engineering that man was not able (or willing to attempt) to duplicate until the 1900s. 
  3. History and archaeology students know that immense megalithic and monolithic structures were built before and during Noah's time all over the earth. We're talking about structures, which some, could not be duplicated today even with all our marvels of modern technology. We really have very little idea how the following structures were constructed by ancient, primitive man.
    • Easter Island
    • Baalbek column in Lebanon 
    • Stonehenge in England
    • Stone Walls of Saksaywaman in Cusco, Peru
    • Ollantaytamba Megaliths in Machu Pichu
  4. Many of these incredibly mysterious structures conform to celestial alignments that would have required super-advanced knowledge of astronomy. Who taught our primitive ancestors such things, and where did they get their technology/power to accomplish certain things that we can't even do today? 

For any that might be interested, I'm going to camp on this topic for a month and share some of my research from one of my favorite sources.

While I'm currently studying and journaling daily on what Jesus' model of discipleship looked like in the gospels opposed to the man-made traditions we readily find in most churches today, I thought the release of this new Hollywood movie would present the opportune time to share my thoughts on what really happened leading up to the Flood of Noah and why God took such drastic measures to purge the earth of it.