Jesus and His earliest disciples were dangerous about the Truth! We should be no different!

Friday, January 17, 2014

This is the Year to Study God's Word with a Renewed Passion & Purpose

Have you committed yourself to studying the Bible intensively this year with the goal of getting to know God on a much deeper level?

If you have been frustrated with your pursuit for one reason or another in recent years, you are not alone. I have been there many times (especially in the Old Testament). While I have been able to read through the New Testament dozens of times since the age of 15, I have struggled in my study of the only Bible Jesus knew and read on earth.

I stumbled across Learn the Bible in 24 Hours about a year ago. I just finished it and found that its exemplary ratings/reviews online were warranted. What an ambitious title for a brilliant volume of work!

By the way, I understand that the title almost seems like blasphemy, but I assure you this 300+ page text delivers! It will accomplish its purpose, which is to launch you like a rocket into a far deeper study and love of Yahweh and His plans for you from the moment you read the 1st chapter.

The depth of wisdom and knowledge tucked away in Scripture blows me away! The Bible has come alive to me in new ways many times as I read through book by book and verse by verse.

During my study of this resource, there must have been at least a dozen times that fresh understanding hit me about some portion of the Word while pouring over Learn the Bible in 24 Hours. It would make for a tremendously rich small group Bible study with skeptics and believers included.

My greatest example I will mention came as I read up more about Jesus' letters to the 7 Churches in Revelation. I won't detail those specific findings as I don't want to spoil anything for those who want to explore and discover these matters for themselves.

I will say that this book provides some outstanding commentary and understanding around the following controversial topics in Scripture (in no specific order):
  1. Eschatology
  2. God's continued plan for Israel
  3. Replacement Theology
  4. Predestination
  5. Genealogies
  6. Rapture (this section caused me to reassess some things)
  7. Revelation (especially tracking down its hundreds of OT allusions)

Check out Learn the Bible in 24 Hours

God bless you as you continue to seek His face in this new year! I hope this recommendation is helpful. As someone who has spent considerable time reading the Bible, I can attest that this book helped to open my mind up further to the incredible vastness, majesty and unfathomable riches laid up for us in Christ. It also succeeded in giving me that extra motivation to dig deeper and submit myself to the Spirit's counsel and influence in all things. May we all hunger and thirst for His Word this year with more intensity than we even have for our physical needs (Job 23:12)!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Jesus Training Manual...

The following is a book from a humble, little known author that totally took me by surprise.

If you have ever pondered whether there has to be so much more to learn and experience as it relates to your life in Christ, especially after reading any of the Gospels or Acts, this book will provide a fascinating narrative into all the possibilities.

I have read over 60 books in the past 12 months. Here is one of those that easily cracked my top 3.

Mull has a fascinating and gripping testimony which can be viewed by clicking on the link below:

The book description from Amazon follows below the link. I give The Jesus Training Manual my highest recommendations.

^^^  Now available for $2.99 as a Kindle product  ^^^

What happens when you look into the box where you think God is contained and you find He isn’t there? What happens next may surprise you! You will learn how to hear God’s voice, that God still does miracles, that demons are real and how to deal with them, and truths about the Kingdom of God, healing, your spiritual authority, spiritual battles, and your armor.

Written by a former traditional Baptist pastor, Mull’s unique story is one of God destroying religious constraints, allowing His people to reel in miracles of healing, salvations, and supernatural experiences in the presence of God. His journey will help you overcome skepticism, toss away theological hang-ups you once thought were from God, and stand solidly on biblical principles. This book is filled with amazing real-life stories and practical applications of the same things Jesus taught His 12 disciples. You will be challenged to believe God is able to do more than you have ever imagined!

Friday, January 3, 2014

THE HARBINGER - A Book Recommendation & Objective Review

So, I finally read this book that was first released over 2 years ago. The Harbinger is a prominent historical narrative (listed officially as fiction/suspense) and worth much discussion due to its content, claims, and most importantly, its staying-power as a NY Times best-seller.

For a book to have this much longevity and success on the NY Times list is quite the accomplishment. Honestly though, I'm not really surprised because The Harbinger packs as much punch and intrigue as the finest Dan Brown novel. It also speaks openly to the direction and track America is currently on (which most Americans find perplexing I would venture to say).

If you are like me and had not yet read this book, I suggest you pick up a copy. You will find it fascinating but also troubling (both for its suppositions and, at times, its blind spots).

The link below is for an article which discusses how and why The Harbinger has managed such an incredible publishing feat.

100 Weeks on NY Times Best Sellers List

The 2nd link provides (what I found to be) a very objective and fair review of the book, its author and its message.

Why so Much Controversy Surrounding THE HARBINGER?

The article popped up towards the top of the feed through a basic google search. Honestly, I did very little research into the background or credentials of these bloggers. I simply found this one review from their site to be insightful and objective. Their thoughts on Washington's Freemason ties especially resonated with similar thoughts I had while reading the book.

All in all, I would rate The Harbinger as a 4 out of 5 and one of the most thought-provoking things I have read in the last 10 years.

It really fascinates me to know that 2 out of the 3 political leaders that claimed and propagated Isaiah 9:10 from the nation's capital after 9/11 fell into public disgrace shortly thereafter. What will happen to that 3rd witness? Maybe only God knows, but time will tell.

The parallelism attributed to ancient Israel and America may be a stretch in places within The Harbinger; however, I love parables and good story-telling that communicates gospel truth. I think this book has tremendous parabolic value in that regard.