Jesus and His earliest disciples were dangerous about the Truth! We should be no different!

Friday, October 31, 2014

How Do "Secret" Societies Get Exposed?

I sincerely enjoy historical documentaries. Give me a quality documentary over a runaway Hollywood hit any day.

There are some seriously awakening nuggets in this one. I love how the creators put Freemasonry under the microscope, especially what transpired leading up to the 2nd Great Awakening.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Seeds of the Great Deception in the American Church

I could not have said it better myself

The Great Deception in the American Church

What's at the root of the deception in the American church?
Consider these statistics of Christianity in America: Eighty-four percent of the inhabitants of this nation say they believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, according to Barna Group, and 45 percent claim to be born-again Christians. Other studies show it is closer to 33 percent.
Either way, these numbers are high. Seventy-seven percent believe their chances of going to heaven are excellent. Thirty-three percent believe one day everyone will go to heaven. Yet America has the highest percentage of single-parent families in the industrialized world, the highest abortion rate, the highest rate of sexually transmitted diseases, the highest rate of teenage birth by far, the highest rate of teenage drug use and the largest prison population per capita than any country in the world.
Consider also the great moral decline of the last generation (50 to 60 years) and these telling statistics in America. The divorce rate has doubled, teen suicide has tripled, reported violent crime has quadrupled, the prison population has quintupled, the percentage of babies born out of wedlock has risen sixfold, couples living together out of wedlock have increased sevenfold, and gay marriage is now a legalized reality in a number of states, with many believing the end is not in sight.
In this past generation, we have experienced an overwhelming increase in lawlessness, permissiveness and selfishness, even among Christians. Moral actions that were unthinkable a few decades ago are now commonplace—Christian leaders indulging in sexual sin and grossly immoral scandals, addicted to pornography and accompanied by an exploding divorce rate have greatly factored in the rapid decrease of morals in the American church. And as the church goes, so goes the world. In fact, the results of a survey among young American adults showed that the percentage who follow biblically based values for living has now dropped from 65 percent to a mere 4 percent since World War II.
There has never been a society in the history of mankind whose moral values have deteriorated so dramatically, in such a short period of time, as those of Americans in the last 50 years. And so far it shows no sign of stopping. These statistics are eye-opening, and they serve to warn us that something is terribly wrong with our brand of Christianity. They reveal how poorly the church has communicated the true gospel to mainstream America, and thus the reason for so much deception in our culture.
When the rich man died and went to Hades (Luke 16:19-31), he was surprised to find himself there. In the Jewish culture, they equated wealth with godliness, so this man thought God favored him. The common thought, especially among the Jews, was if you were blessed financially, then you were a good person and therefore favored by God and on your way to heaven. This also explains the disciples' astonishment when Jesus told them how hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 19:23-25).
Similarly, there was a church in Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-22) who, due to their wealth, thought they too had attained God's favor. Jesus expressed great disapproval over their spiritual condition as well, which they were totally unaware of. They were deceived.
Are you in touch with your true spiritual condition? Or are you allowing the pop culture around you to dictate your standards? Are you conforming to the world's standards or to the Bible? Are you deceived? How can a nation of people among whom a large percentage claims to be born-again Christians experience the kind of degradation the above statistics reveal? Such deception is the state of America today, and the above statistics reveal the fruit of it.
The problem has been that the real gospel has not been preached nor lived. Both the profession and the practice of many so-called Christians in this nation have not matched up. Our substandard message has produced substandard believers. Our departure from the preaching of the cross, repentance, holiness, and the real empowering grace of God has increased the level of deception in the church. How else can we explain the disparity of the above statistics in the church and the nation?
But what is really at the root of this deception? This is what we need to carefully discern. In one word, it is humanism—the glorification of self. Humanism has crept into much of the modern-day church and is diluting the power of the real gospel
Bert M. Fariasfounder of Holy Fire Ministries, is the author of The Real Gospel and co-host of the New England Holy Ghost Forum. He is a missionary evangelist carrying a spirit of revival to the church and the nations. Follow him at Bert Farias on Facebook or @Bertfarias1 on Twitter.

Please, avoid the tragedy of false conversion! So many are primed and ready to openly receive the strong delusion Yahweh promised to those who failed to love the truth. There will be a great falling away before a one-world religion is established. We have His promise on that. Imagine how great the coming brutality and deception must be to establish a one-world religion out of the plurality of today's religions and the fierceness with which each religion's proponents will defend their sacred belief systems!

Value the Truth and get informed! Remember, Jesus warned that it was possible for even the very elect to be deceived.

21Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. 22Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' 23"And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.' (Matthew 7: 21 - 23)

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Ebola and the Hegelian Dialectic

For the entirety of this post, I want the reader to feel free to liberally interchange ISIS and Ebola with one another.

(As of 12/1/14, the latest hegelian flavor of the week or month is race baiting and division. Be sure to look past the contrived headlines, partial reporting of the truth and fear-mongering to find the deeper agendas at work. Cities and nations divided along racial lines make for easy spoils when the BIG event goes down).

Please do yourself a favor and research the phrase hegelian dialectic. Spend 30-60 minutes to find out what this phrase really means and refers to in today's culture. In the dark and treacherous days in which we live, we must be able to differentiate and discern between propaganda and the truth, and if you are still tuning into the corporate mainstream media (any outlets…I don't care if it's CNN, BBC, Fox or any other), I guarantee you are getting scary doses of propaganda, confusion, with a hefty side of fear-mongering.

I have posted on the hegelian dialectic before:

What is the Hegelian Dialectic?

This theme is more significant and pertinent now than it ever has been in our world's history, and the issue of Ebola (or ISIS) is a perfect case study. These issues popped up in the previous 3-5 months seemingly out of nowhere. What has resulted? Well, we have our war with Syria now. No boots on the ground though! How long before WW3 stops simmering under the surface and explodes onto the global scene?

The timeless formula for the hegelian dialectic follows:

Problem:  Introduce a pandemic into the world's population to help further dismantle our crumbling western world. A man-made, bio-terror weapon like Ebola would be perfect. Compound the issue with contradictory and false claims about the virus and how it actually spreads. Leave your national borders unsecured, continue international flights to and from highly infected areas and fail to provide hospitals with adequate training and resources to fight a possible pandemic. All this makes perfect sense. Obey and trust your elite globalist government officials. They have everything under control and are working with your best interests at heart!

Reaction:  Mainstream news reports:  EBOLA…EBOLAEBOLA!!!  Population becomes gripped by fear and panic starts to set in as the coverage piles up about the deadly virus spreading. Mid-term elections then approach, and poof, EBOLA disappear!!!

Solution:  Let's get people to run to their nearest medical outpost for their life-saving vaccine. And run they will, like it's a release for the Apple 7th generation smartphone. Beware of compulsory vaccination for this or any other bioengineered disease.

(As of 2/1/15, the latest headlines dominating the mainstream media (from what I've heard), relate to the highly contentious debate over vaccines, specifically making them compulsory. It does not take a ton of vision to see where all of this is going.

Consider this:  The same system that vehemently pushes (and legalized) a woman's right to choose on aborting (aka murdering) babies wants to usurp our right to choose whether we inject our kids with man-made cocktails including known neurotoxins? Oh, the irony and hypocrisy of it all...The world is nuts!)

Our government has had research and other vaccine application patents on Ebola for a few years now.

Get informed about where events are leading us and remember…Ignorance in the information age is a choice.

The following documentary is a good place to start. I can guarantee you will experience cognitive dissonance if you are able to view the entire thing. Only realize, it relies solely on credible source documentation throughout. Trust me, it sucks to find out that the world you thought you lived in was more or less a total illusion, but getting to the truth is worth it. What could be more valuable?