Jesus and His earliest disciples were dangerous about the Truth! We should be no different!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

How Did We Get Our Bible - The New Testament

This is the continuation and 2nd part of the previous blog post which covered the same subject matter for the Old Testament.

I set aside some time to research and write on this topic because I know there are many "doubting Thomases" and outright skeptics both in and outside of the Body in our modern day age of reason and apostasy. The writings of people like Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and other secular humanists have heaped tons of liberal criticisms against the Bible, especially the New Testament. Did you know that Thomas Jefferson fashioned his own version of the New Testament, one devoid of any miraculous mention or supernatural intervention? It was called The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth, a sanitized version of the New Testament with any reference to the deity of Jesus stripped away with a razor. Jefferson was a devoted deist who was definitely not a fan of the Book of Revelation. He omitted the entire apocalyptic prophetic book from his New Testament account, calling it the ravings of a madman. Thomas Paine wrote a controversial yet influential pamphlet entitled, Common Sense, in 1776. In it, he championed the cause of revolution, rejected Britain's idea of the divine right of kings and he managed to get in quite a few indictments against the Biblical texts.

Since the dawn of the Enlightenment and Intellectual Era, we have seen other liberal scholars like those from the Jesus Seminar, attempt to challenge all of our most cherished doctrines and beliefs. Virtually every prestigious state school, and many esteemed private schools, spew forth the untestable theories of Darwinian Evolution along with the false religion of secular humanism. The indoctrination of the masses leading to the great delusion has been well fortified. Very few people retain the love of the Truth that Jesus and Paul promised would be necessary to avoid the deceptions of the last days (even among those who profess His Name - See 2 Thessalonians 2:10).

I am passionate about turning this tide back to the pure knowledge and doctrine of Yahweh, much like bold truth tellers did in their days. The Spirit of Christ has left unmistakable fingerprints all over the Bible to authenticate the Author and message. You will find amazing proofs for the absolute reliability of the New Testament here:

Question:  When was Anton LaVey's satanic bible first published? Did you know that his satanic bible actually outsells the Bible itself on most college campuses today?

The interest in the occult is burgeoning to levels not seen since the fallen ones roamed the earth in Noah's day and Nimrod ruled a one-world system at the Tower of Babel (also Noah's time - it is interesting to consider all the bizarre stuff that Noah witnessed and endured in his 950 years). History runs through cycles. The days of Noah are playing out again in our modern era of reason. There is truly nothing new under the sun.

We better know our stuff and have the Word of God planted down deep in our hearts if we want to persevere and stand against the onslaught of the anti-christ spirit rising around us.

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