Exposing Lies and Proclaiming Truth in the Pursuit of Jesus' Kingdom and Righteousness!
Jesus and His earliest disciples were dangerous about the Truth! We should be no different!
Sunday, December 29, 2013
What is Transhumanism & Eugenics and Are These Linked to the Occult?
We have arrived at a period in history where God's chosen people must learn to walk in the Spirit. The days are darker than ever before, and I promise you, we have not seen anything yet. True awakening must take place soon or MANY will be swept away in deception and destruction.
Albert Pike,
annuit coeptis,
Francis Bacon,
Great Seal,
Links to the Occult,
Manly Hall,
Novus Ordo Seclorem,
Friday, October 18, 2013
Our Secret Weapon and Most Precious Privilege
When I left with Miriam for Congo 3 weeks ago now, I expected to encounter Yahweh in some truly significant, and possibly new ways, during our time here.
One area I sensed He had much yet still to counsel me on was the subject of prayer. Within the 1st week of staying in our guest housing, my eyes locked onto an old-weathered copy of The Prayer Life by Andrew Murray tucked away in some shelving in the living room.
The funny thing (actually more like sad) is that I remember numerous times passing this book or other ones by Andrew Murray located in the Christian Classics section at local book stores in previous years (because I lacked the courage to face the reality of how frail and sickly my prayer devotion was as an adopted child of the King then).
I had read a couple of short bios on Andrew Murray before so I knew full well that he was the real deal and uniquely qualified to instruct others on such a holy subject and practice.
After finishing the book last night, I determined to share my strongest commendation that any believers which read this entry should avail themselves to The Prayer Life by Andrew Murray. If you acknowledge and grieve over your lack of power to walk just as Jesus did and pray without ceasing, this book is for you.
I have been troubled for years over the lack of holiness, power and consecration within the Church of our time. If we would only abide in Christ like the first disciples who continued steadfastly in the apostles' teaching, fellowship and prayers (Acts 2:42), we could share to a far greater extent in their fearlessness and victory. I believe a day is quickly approaching when many will return to the Lord with such deep devotion that revival will result. I only pray that it does not take the world falling in all around us, before we get there.
The challenges/hardships facing me, my family and this world require so much more living faith and consecration to the Lord. So, with Jesus as my Advocate and Source, I pledge to make my life a holy prayer unto Him. I trust in His sufficiency and grace to draw me into the eternal inner chamber where my soul has yearned to linger since the first hour of new birth in Christ.
I have been blessed to attend four African prayer celebrations since arriving in Gemena (one hosted by World Vision and other informal gatherings of intercession for a local NGO or non-profit initiative). I will talk more about these and other experiences in future posts. In the meantime, I strongly encourage those hungry for His presence and transforming power to get their hands on The Prayer Life as well.
Monday, September 2, 2013
The Relationship Between Law & Grace
This has been a heavy subject on my heart for over 10 years. I recently came across a Q&A format video from Sid Roth that addressed virtually all of this debate in some of the most candid, well-articulated dialogue I have yet seen.
Before I share that link, allow me to share some insightful commentary from the Evidence Bible on Matthew 19:
"Here is the Master Evangelist showing us how to deal with a proud, self-righteous person...a typical sinner. This is noticeably different from the approach of modern evangelism. When the man asked how he could obtain eternal life, Jesus did not ask, 'Would you like to have assurance that if you died tonight you would go straight to heaven? You can have that confidence right now simply by acknowledging that you have sinned against God, and by trusting in the finished work of Calvary's cross. Would you like me to lead you in prayer right now so that you can have that assurance?'
Instead, Jesus pointed him to the law so that he could recognize his sin. Biblical evangelism is always 'law to the proud, grace to the humble.' John Newton said, 'My grand point in preaching is to break the hard heart and to heal the broken one.'
This young man is a prime example of an unregenerate person. He had no understanding of the word "good." Jesus reproved him, then gently gave him five horizontal Commandments--those dealing with his fellow man. When the man revealed his self-righteousness, Jesus showed him that in his vertical relationship with God he had transgressed the of first of the Ten Commandments. God wasn't foremost in his life. The rich young man loved his money, and the Scriptures make it clear that we cannot serve God and mammon (money). The law brought him "the knowledge of sin."
In light of the way most Christians share the gospel, Jesus failed because He didn't get a "decision." However, heaven doesn't rejoice over "decisions." It reserves its rejoicing for repentance, and there can be no repentance without a God-given knowledge of sin, and that, according to Scripture, can come only by the law (Romans 7:7).
False Grace - A Doctrine of Demons (1 Timothy 4:1; 2 Timothy 3)
The author of Amazing Grace had it right. "A wrong understanding of the harmony between Law and Grace would produce error on the left and the right hand" (John Newton).
Before I share that link, allow me to share some insightful commentary from the Evidence Bible on Matthew 19:
"Here is the Master Evangelist showing us how to deal with a proud, self-righteous person...a typical sinner. This is noticeably different from the approach of modern evangelism. When the man asked how he could obtain eternal life, Jesus did not ask, 'Would you like to have assurance that if you died tonight you would go straight to heaven? You can have that confidence right now simply by acknowledging that you have sinned against God, and by trusting in the finished work of Calvary's cross. Would you like me to lead you in prayer right now so that you can have that assurance?'
Instead, Jesus pointed him to the law so that he could recognize his sin. Biblical evangelism is always 'law to the proud, grace to the humble.' John Newton said, 'My grand point in preaching is to break the hard heart and to heal the broken one.'
This young man is a prime example of an unregenerate person. He had no understanding of the word "good." Jesus reproved him, then gently gave him five horizontal Commandments--those dealing with his fellow man. When the man revealed his self-righteousness, Jesus showed him that in his vertical relationship with God he had transgressed the of first of the Ten Commandments. God wasn't foremost in his life. The rich young man loved his money, and the Scriptures make it clear that we cannot serve God and mammon (money). The law brought him "the knowledge of sin."
In light of the way most Christians share the gospel, Jesus failed because He didn't get a "decision." However, heaven doesn't rejoice over "decisions." It reserves its rejoicing for repentance, and there can be no repentance without a God-given knowledge of sin, and that, according to Scripture, can come only by the law (Romans 7:7).
False Grace - A Doctrine of Demons (1 Timothy 4:1; 2 Timothy 3)
The author of Amazing Grace had it right. "A wrong understanding of the harmony between Law and Grace would produce error on the left and the right hand" (John Newton).
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
What is Geoengineering and Does It Affect You and Me?
Jesus warned us that violent weather pattern changes would be an identifying characteristic of the latter days (see Matthew 24 & Luke 21). I used to think these events would be attributed directly to the justice of God against an evil generation on par with Noah's day. I no longer think this is necessarily the case.
While I do admit that He is allowing these weather changes to transpire, I now know that the violent effects Jesus warned us about will be and are a result of man's handiwork. I gather that most people don't want to admit it, but civilized man, possesses the technology and desire to control and manipulate weather. America has had such technology since the Vietnam War. We are being experimented upon like lab rats.
I defy anyone to comment on this blog and try to convince me that we are looking at contrails in our skies on a daily basis. Do contrails have a tendency to linger, expand, settle and blot out the sun for hours? This is a global phenomenon as well. I have witnessed these trails in England, Scotland and all over America.
While I do admit that He is allowing these weather changes to transpire, I now know that the violent effects Jesus warned us about will be and are a result of man's handiwork. I gather that most people don't want to admit it, but civilized man, possesses the technology and desire to control and manipulate weather. America has had such technology since the Vietnam War. We are being experimented upon like lab rats.
I defy anyone to comment on this blog and try to convince me that we are looking at contrails in our skies on a daily basis. Do contrails have a tendency to linger, expand, settle and blot out the sun for hours? This is a global phenomenon as well. I have witnessed these trails in England, Scotland and all over America.
When you factor in other technologies like HAARP and genetically-modified seeds from Monsanto, the most evil corporation on the planet, you have a real recipe to dominate and decimate the earth's population. Yet, very few people seem concerned or even aware. I wonder why the Bible warns about deadly famines and earthquakes in high population zones in the last days? All the ingredients to artificially cause these abnormally destructive events are on the table…It's not a hard recipe to execute anymore.
So, let me explain just a moment on how the daily spraying of these chemicals into our skies connects with Monsanto's plans. Soil samples in diverse places have been tested, and it has been confirmed that one of the main chemicals in the spray is Aluminum Oxide (which reflects sunlight back into space; also not very good for our respiratory health!). Expert shills that even admit to this sick program will tell you that such activity must go on to combat global warming. We should not believe everything we hear, because all that stuff is propaganda and lies.
Getting back on point, the chemicals eventually seep into the soil through natural processes or more rapidly through rain. Well, these chemicals don't exactly help support the homeostasis of farming or food-growing environments. On the contrary, soon, only GMO seeds provided by Monsanto will be available and even able to grow in these toxic wastelands. GMOs are genetically modified to grow in even the harshest (artificially constructed) environments. The results are simple and frightening; people will continue to grow sicker, weaker and new cancer cases will continue to skyrocket and ravage our populaces. Man-made famines and pestilences will then take on biblical proportions.
So, let me explain just a moment on how the daily spraying of these chemicals into our skies connects with Monsanto's plans. Soil samples in diverse places have been tested, and it has been confirmed that one of the main chemicals in the spray is Aluminum Oxide (which reflects sunlight back into space; also not very good for our respiratory health!). Expert shills that even admit to this sick program will tell you that such activity must go on to combat global warming. We should not believe everything we hear, because all that stuff is propaganda and lies.
Getting back on point, the chemicals eventually seep into the soil through natural processes or more rapidly through rain. Well, these chemicals don't exactly help support the homeostasis of farming or food-growing environments. On the contrary, soon, only GMO seeds provided by Monsanto will be available and even able to grow in these toxic wastelands. GMOs are genetically modified to grow in even the harshest (artificially constructed) environments. The results are simple and frightening; people will continue to grow sicker, weaker and new cancer cases will continue to skyrocket and ravage our populaces. Man-made famines and pestilences will then take on biblical proportions.
Maybe the inscriptions from the Georgia Guidestones and the warnings of the Bible about the last days should be taken more seriously.
What do you think?
Thursday, August 1, 2013
The Spirit of Defiance Pervades American Culture
If you have not discovered this about me yet, I absolutely love God and His Word! I am not at all satisfied with cultural christianity or the diluted form of godliness/religion without power I see in America. He has given me a supernatural hunger for prophecy and divine truth, because I believe, our time (whether you consider eschatology or brevity of life) is short.
Some may find me too enthusiastic for the things of God. To be honest, I sure hope that I can attain such a legacy, especially in light of the fact that all those who fervently loved God down throughout history had similar things said about them.
I wish there was always good news to report. However, the signs of the times are clear. The same judgments that fell upon ancient Israel are at America's door step today (Isaiah 9:10 - 21). The amazing truth though is that mercy triumphs over judgment, and God delights in grace and mercy!
2 Chronicles 7:14 is such a beautiful and pertinent promise from God for a time like this! I pray that the anti-christ fueled "spirit of defiance" would be broken so we could bless God and be able to partake in the 7:14 promises this side of Heaven.
What are the HARBINGERS About?
Some may find me too enthusiastic for the things of God. To be honest, I sure hope that I can attain such a legacy, especially in light of the fact that all those who fervently loved God down throughout history had similar things said about them.
I wish there was always good news to report. However, the signs of the times are clear. The same judgments that fell upon ancient Israel are at America's door step today (Isaiah 9:10 - 21). The amazing truth though is that mercy triumphs over judgment, and God delights in grace and mercy!
2 Chronicles 7:14 is such a beautiful and pertinent promise from God for a time like this! I pray that the anti-christ fueled "spirit of defiance" would be broken so we could bless God and be able to partake in the 7:14 promises this side of Heaven.
What are the HARBINGERS About?
Monday, July 1, 2013
What is Wrong with the Gospel?
Keith Green wrote this article back in 1981. It's more timely and
urgent now than it was even back then. (Much of this content is covered in greater depth @ Free Wonderful Book).
This article is so worth your time and attention as a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Section 1: The Missing Parts
Section 2: The Added Parts
This article is so worth your time and attention as a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Section 1: The Missing Parts
Section 2: The Added Parts
Thursday, May 30, 2013
How Did We Get Our Bible - The New Testament
This is the continuation and 2nd part of the previous blog post which covered the same subject matter for the Old Testament.
I set aside some time to research and write on this topic because I know there are many "doubting Thomases" and outright skeptics both in and outside of the Body in our modern day age of reason and apostasy. The writings of people like Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and other secular humanists have heaped tons of liberal criticisms against the Bible, especially the New Testament. Did you know that Thomas Jefferson fashioned his own version of the New Testament, one devoid of any miraculous mention or supernatural intervention? It was called The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth, a sanitized version of the New Testament with any reference to the deity of Jesus stripped away with a razor. Jefferson was a devoted deist who was definitely not a fan of the Book of Revelation. He omitted the entire apocalyptic prophetic book from his New Testament account, calling it the ravings of a madman. Thomas Paine wrote a controversial yet influential pamphlet entitled, Common Sense, in 1776. In it, he championed the cause of revolution, rejected Britain's idea of the divine right of kings and he managed to get in quite a few indictments against the Biblical texts.
Since the dawn of the Enlightenment and Intellectual Era, we have seen other liberal scholars like those from the Jesus Seminar, attempt to challenge all of our most cherished doctrines and beliefs. Virtually every prestigious state school, and many esteemed private schools, spew forth the untestable theories of Darwinian Evolution along with the false religion of secular humanism. The indoctrination of the masses leading to the great delusion has been well fortified. Very few people retain the love of the Truth that Jesus and Paul promised would be necessary to avoid the deceptions of the last days (even among those who profess His Name - See 2 Thessalonians 2:10).
I am passionate about turning this tide back to the pure knowledge and doctrine of Yahweh, much like bold truth tellers did in their days. The Spirit of Christ has left unmistakable fingerprints all over the Bible to authenticate the Author and message. You will find amazing proofs for the absolute reliability of the New Testament here:
Question: When was Anton LaVey's satanic bible first published? Did you know that his satanic bible actually outsells the Bible itself on most college campuses today?
The interest in the occult is burgeoning to levels not seen since the fallen ones roamed the earth in Noah's day and Nimrod ruled a one-world system at the Tower of Babel (also Noah's time - it is interesting to consider all the bizarre stuff that Noah witnessed and endured in his 950 years). History runs through cycles. The days of Noah are playing out again in our modern era of reason. There is truly nothing new under the sun.
We better know our stuff and have the Word of God planted down deep in our hearts if we want to persevere and stand against the onslaught of the anti-christ spirit rising around us.
I set aside some time to research and write on this topic because I know there are many "doubting Thomases" and outright skeptics both in and outside of the Body in our modern day age of reason and apostasy. The writings of people like Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and other secular humanists have heaped tons of liberal criticisms against the Bible, especially the New Testament. Did you know that Thomas Jefferson fashioned his own version of the New Testament, one devoid of any miraculous mention or supernatural intervention? It was called The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth, a sanitized version of the New Testament with any reference to the deity of Jesus stripped away with a razor. Jefferson was a devoted deist who was definitely not a fan of the Book of Revelation. He omitted the entire apocalyptic prophetic book from his New Testament account, calling it the ravings of a madman. Thomas Paine wrote a controversial yet influential pamphlet entitled, Common Sense, in 1776. In it, he championed the cause of revolution, rejected Britain's idea of the divine right of kings and he managed to get in quite a few indictments against the Biblical texts.
Since the dawn of the Enlightenment and Intellectual Era, we have seen other liberal scholars like those from the Jesus Seminar, attempt to challenge all of our most cherished doctrines and beliefs. Virtually every prestigious state school, and many esteemed private schools, spew forth the untestable theories of Darwinian Evolution along with the false religion of secular humanism. The indoctrination of the masses leading to the great delusion has been well fortified. Very few people retain the love of the Truth that Jesus and Paul promised would be necessary to avoid the deceptions of the last days (even among those who profess His Name - See 2 Thessalonians 2:10).
I am passionate about turning this tide back to the pure knowledge and doctrine of Yahweh, much like bold truth tellers did in their days. The Spirit of Christ has left unmistakable fingerprints all over the Bible to authenticate the Author and message. You will find amazing proofs for the absolute reliability of the New Testament here:
Question: When was Anton LaVey's satanic bible first published? Did you know that his satanic bible actually outsells the Bible itself on most college campuses today?
The interest in the occult is burgeoning to levels not seen since the fallen ones roamed the earth in Noah's day and Nimrod ruled a one-world system at the Tower of Babel (also Noah's time - it is interesting to consider all the bizarre stuff that Noah witnessed and endured in his 950 years). History runs through cycles. The days of Noah are playing out again in our modern era of reason. There is truly nothing new under the sun.
We better know our stuff and have the Word of God planted down deep in our hearts if we want to persevere and stand against the onslaught of the anti-christ spirit rising around us.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
How Did We Get Our Bible - The Old Testament?
The question posed in the title of this post has alluded me for too long.
I have wished to investigate the subject matter you will find detailed below for years. So why did I put it off until now? I suppose it's because I got swept away into what seemed like a thousand different directions in my research the past couple of years.
Another reason that I put off this particular research was due to the fact that I rarely struggled with doubt on the supernatural origin, preservation and content of the Bible. The Gospel of Jesus was responsible for transforming my life and reorienting my priorities, and it has often been said that a man with an experience is NOT at the mercy of someone with an argument, which is true.
With that said, I know from my college studies and own life experiences that there are countless liberal scholars and students that go to great lengths to cast dark storm clouds of doubt over the reliability and authenticity of the Scriptures. Our adversary has been very successful in muddying the waters around the truthfulness of the Bible and those chosen to preserve it down through the ages. He was successful in Genesis 3, and he continues to blind masses of eyes/minds in these latter days.
So, let me share with you some of the finest research and conclusive proof I have found to defend the authenticity of the Bible's Author and message. You will find here a great starting point and plenty of meat to carry you along in further study on what became a very enjoyable research topic for me.
I have wished to investigate the subject matter you will find detailed below for years. So why did I put it off until now? I suppose it's because I got swept away into what seemed like a thousand different directions in my research the past couple of years.
Another reason that I put off this particular research was due to the fact that I rarely struggled with doubt on the supernatural origin, preservation and content of the Bible. The Gospel of Jesus was responsible for transforming my life and reorienting my priorities, and it has often been said that a man with an experience is NOT at the mercy of someone with an argument, which is true.
With that said, I know from my college studies and own life experiences that there are countless liberal scholars and students that go to great lengths to cast dark storm clouds of doubt over the reliability and authenticity of the Scriptures. Our adversary has been very successful in muddying the waters around the truthfulness of the Bible and those chosen to preserve it down through the ages. He was successful in Genesis 3, and he continues to blind masses of eyes/minds in these latter days.
So, let me share with you some of the finest research and conclusive proof I have found to defend the authenticity of the Bible's Author and message. You will find here a great starting point and plenty of meat to carry you along in further study on what became a very enjoyable research topic for me.
Question: What happened in America in 1963 that changed the trajectory of our nation's future? Find out within the first 3 minutes of this outstanding teaching session.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Tracking the Birth Pangs Jesus Warned Must Come
But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pains. (Matthew 24:8)
Some more evidence to give clearer understanding about where we are according to Jesus' prophetic timeline…We have only had the technology to track this type of activity on a global scale for the last 100+ years. Will these birth pains continue to increase in frequency and intensity as the natural metaphor predicts? Time and a watchful eye will behold it all.
This chart makes much of what Jesus had to say (specifically about natural disasters) in Matthew 24 totally come alive:
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