Jesus and His earliest disciples were dangerous about the Truth! We should be no different!

Monday, January 19, 2015

What Many Economists Really Have to Say About the Global Economy

When I share information like this, please do not misunderstand me. I am simply sharing the reality of the situation we must face (eventually). The days ahead will most certainly require us to trust and know God as our one and only True Source because the world's agenda is incredibly evil.

Information like this is shared to serve as a very real warning. It is wise to contemplate these things and start to prepare. Of course, all this should be done in faith and hope in King Jesus. He can and does save to the uttermost, even as this physical world crumbles all around us. I pray you are seeking Him and that your greatest longing is to know Him deeply!

I pray against fear and hopelessness. Fear is actually misplaced faith in the evil one. It requires you to believe and accept lies about your created value and God's holy, loving nature. It is a terrible affront to Yahweh and all His promises that are always "yes and amen" in Jesus. Do you know how many times we are told by the Spirit to not fear from Scripture? The phrase "do not be afraid" is actually recorded 365 times in the Bible! May this post help to serve as that daily reminder to live fearless in Christ Jesus!

Case Study in Europe:

Earlier this month, Switzerland abandoned its coupling of the Swiss Franc to the Euro. The result was beyond startling with an immediate 30% drop in the value of the Euro against the Franc, and billions of dollars of trading losses by banks and investors around the world. The Swiss stock market fell 12% in a single day.
However, with all this global turmoil going on, the dominant mainstream story and pet distraction of the week, quickly became deflated footballs in the big AFC championship game. All the while, currency wars rage and the Swiss Frank rose 30% against the Euro, in under an hour, and "stabilized" at roughly 20% by end of day's trading.
The dollar is propped up as a proverbial "house of cards" and at some point it will fall. The sanctions against Russia are a result of their leadership of the BRICS nations—Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa—to move the world's default currency from the dollar.  Such a "development" cannot be tolerated, and this is the real reason gas prices are down. It is a clear agenda to cripple Russia's economy which is primarily dependent upon oil exports. In fact, Russia stands as the 2nd global leader in annual exports of black liquid gold. 
Can the dollar possibly crash later this year?

Imagine living in Europe on 1/15/15. You would likely wake up to find that the value of your savings and investments fell some 20-30%. How and why? We need to wake up. The game is rigged! These events must happen leading up to the destruction of nationalism, competing currencies, religious systems and the like prior to the introduction of a globalist system of control.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Real Proof that God Continues to Delight in Deliverance!

I dare you to watch this 13 minute video and not shed a few tears…

To the skeptic and those disillusioned with varying experiences, I humbly ask that you don't throw out the baby with the bath water just because there are deceiving spirits that counterfeit or disable the real thing. These deceptive spirits have infiltrated a vast majority of churches and planted doubt, double-mindedness and outright lies about our authority and inheritance in Christ. 

Ask yourself:  Does this resonate with biblical examples of healing? Granted, there will be some stuff in here that will seem very charismatic and foreign to respectable, church-going folks. However, if it does line up with biblical accounts, the Kingdom of God has come with power and we ought to press in and do violence to the Kingdom of darkness. Jesus purchased our complete freedom, promised His vested authority and already delivered the death blow to our adversaries at the cross and tomb. Step into your destiny and learn to walk as He walked.

What one thing above all else do you see oozing from Dan and Todd here? Is it not attractive? We also must ask ourselves about their motivation. Are we looking at altruistic love and deliverance flowing out of deep relationship with Jesus or is this all a show to receive vain glory unto themselves?

Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. He will always be LORD!

May 2015 bring great transformation in and through you to the point that you become irresistible to even your enemies.