There are literally dozens of dialectic schemes that have been sold to American citizens since its inception (think of Vietnam after Kennedy's assassination along with any other war really). It makes for a fascinating study, and I'm going to leave it to those curious enough to find out what this is really all about via those many historical examples. Why? I firmly believe that people prefer to discover significant, meaningful things on their own. I do want to give a small nudge on this topic however.
So, what exactly is the Hegelian Dialectic?
- Artificial Problem (covertly create a problem)
- Controlled Reaction (use propaganda and state-controlled media to spin the story and control the reaction)
- Preconceived Solution (introduce a cleverly crafted solution the populace had no desire or need for prior to the arrival of the "problem")
Have any dialectical schemes been thwarted recently? I believe there have been cases. Maybe the clearest case was the horrible situation that our government's leaders wanted us to get involved in against all sane reasoning in September of '13…SYRIA. Questions to consider:
- Where did the chemical weapons supposedly used by the Syrian government come from…Who was financing and providing the influx of these weapons?
- The Taliban was to be our new ally in this War on Terror? This proved to be too tough to stomach for many of our military commanders.
- Why did it take the use of chemical weapons (by rebel forces) to get our attention? Why not stop the killing of innocent children 2-3 years prior when it was just bullets and missiles?
- Even kids realized that our actions there would spark WWIII with Russia and other big players. Why do our world leaders seem hell-bent on getting us into such a devastating conflict? WWII claimed 50 million souls. How far have we come technologically since then? What would WWIII look like?
Thank God that enough of our military leaders and citizens spoke up! But wait, many of those top commanders have been replaced by our president within the past year. Check the facts…All of this is verifiable.
Let me suggest a possible dialectic scheme that looms on the horizon like a Category 5 storm. This is definitely something to look into.
- Problem: Set up events to devalue and hyper inflate the U.S. dollar and European Euro.
- Reaction: Flood the media with racial issues (real or imagined), gay rights stories, transgenderism and other seriously divisive topics to keep us distracted and utterly disjointed until one night people go to sleep only to wake up and find that their retirements and assets are worth less than half of their value the day prior. What would the reaction in the civilized, non-entitled west be? Allow your furtive imaginations to get loose for a moment to ponder this scenario.
- Solution: After a period of extreme upheaval which must result in confiscation of private property leading up to martial law, introduce a less-fiat, more resource-based world currency like the anti-counterfeit dinar of Babylon (Iraq) or other possible world money system. At the same time, topple our terribly debt-ridden western civilizations (20+ trillion in debt before factoring unpaid derivatives in America) and reset the world economy. Set the stage for world government.
Does that sound too close to being apocalyptic? What happens if Russia or China come off of the petro-dollar and no longer honor the dollar as the actual "world reserve currency" when buying and trading for oil? Both threaten to do so on almost a monthly basis now. Every expert knows this would collapse our "house of cards" economy. How would they then trade for or purchase oil you might ask? They will use real money of course in the form of precious metals - Gold.
The U.S. dollar is no longer backed by gold (and has not been since the early 70s). It's worth as much as the paper it's printed on, or more appropriately understood, as much as our industrial military complex can enforce its value to retain. Are we going to bully Russia or China to continue to honor the dollar as the official "world reserve currency" with our military as we did in Iraq 13 years ago? I highly doubt it.
Enough gloom and doom for one day. When these events transpire (and we have His Word on it), Yahweh will provide a way of escape for those who do not bow to the god of mammon or any other false gods. I predict there will even be a great wealth transfer to those who have been watching, warning others and listening to the Holy Spirit. That transfer will be akin to the great Exodus of the Hebrews out of Egypt. I realize the vast majority will not believe me or get past the first couple of paragraphs, but I still feel compelled to share what I have been learning. I don't know nearly enough or all that I should, but I continue to study and share hard and terribly inconvenient truths amidst our decadent, frivolous entertainment-obsessed and saturated culture.