Jesus and His earliest disciples were dangerous about the Truth! We should be no different!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Unthinkable Occult Plans Hiding in Plain Sight

I will offer very little commentary in this post. These images prove that a picture is worth a thousand words!

What do you make of these occult anomalies? Pay close attention to the details, like the document sitting at the bottom right of the mural with the demonic super soldier slaying the dove of peace.

What are these doing in an international airport? This is the same perplexing question I posed of The Awakening sculpture in our National Harbor from another post.

What do you think? Why are illuminated freemasons always tied to these things? What do they know that we do not? In a future post, I am going to take a closer look at the Statue of Liberty. Who she represents, who designed her and who planted her in another American harbor? Feel free to click on the link for a compelling look at the intended meanings behind yet another freemason symbol - that which the Bible may identify as the Whore who Sits on Many Waters.

Once all the puzzle pieces fall in place, I hope others start to realize there are powerful people who have some very sinister and revelatory plans for the destiny of our nation. Will we be tied to whatever is due to rise out of Iraq (Babylon)? Keep in mind that we have had countless resources invested there for the past 20+ years. We even left over 500 stocked military bases to the Iraqis as we withdrew over 2 years ago now. One article estimated the value of the gifted supplies to be around $580 million (according to our Pentagon so take it for what its worth). That was awfully generous of our altruistic, imperialist lords! Wouldn't you agree?

Side note:  According to Donald Rumsfeld, the Pentagon was reporting a bewildering $2.3 TRILLION shortfall in their defense reports only a day before the 9/11 attack incinerated the accounting office. I'm puzzled why this statement was ever made publicly (must have been quite a few poor innocent souls asking incessant questions). Virtually every American knows deep down that our corrupt government has the audacity and nerve to cook all their books and lie through their teeth repeatedly on every major statistic made available to the public.

And the LORD said, Go, and say to this people: Keep on hearing, but do not understand; keep on seeing, but do not perceive. (Isaiah 6:9)

Friday, May 16, 2014

The Real Tension of America's True Identity Since its Inception

My favorite movie genre would have to be documentaries, and the following one is probably my top choice for early United States history. It's time to set the record straight about what our nation's most influential early leaders and presidents envisioned for the destiny of our country.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Deciphering the Masonic Iconography of the U.S. Dollar Bill

Have the symbols or latin phrases embedded on the back of the U.S. dollar bill ever puzzled you?

What exactly do these things mean? What story are the symbols/phrases actually trying to tell us?

Did you know that the great seal designs were stylized and emblazoned on our currency in 1935 by high-ranking (32nd degree) freemasons? Both FDR and his vice president, Henry Wallace were 32nd degree masons who were highly enamored with the writings of Manley Hall, Virgil, Nicholas Roerich and other notorious gnostic occultists.

There is so much propaganda and disinformation around the influence of freemasonry on the history of the United States. Some trusted sources and articles will tell you that we have had 14 masonic presidents. Others will say that there have been 15. I believe that number is actually higher (although 15 should already be quite alarming).

George Bush, Jr. has not been included in any lists I have seen. However, he belonged to the same (secret occult society) Skull and Bones group his dad was so entrenched in at Yale. Both were and are regular attendees to the ancient canaanite rituals at the Bohemian Grove as well. Ronald Reagan is not listed as a freemason either. However, he regularly attended masonic events during his entire public career and was given an honorary Scottish rite 22nd degree membership before his death. Lyndon Johnson and Abraham Lincoln pursued masonic degrees, but officially, were never listed as full-fledged freemasons (by achieving the 3rd degree re-birth requirement). The jury is still out on John Adams and Thomas Jefferson who attended masonic lodges regularly in France before coming to the New World. Virtually all of the French historical records were destroyed during the French Revolution so it's hard to ascertain how many other early American leaders had their french masonic ties burnt in the dustbin of history.

Official and Un-Official List of Freemason Presidents

I know that some readers here might be wondering, So what's the big deal with freemasonry anyway? I posit that bizarre, secretive occult societies that grown men associate in to become godlike with esoteric, gnostic knowledge are dangerous and worthy of full investigation. There is also a big difference between what 1st through 3rd degree masons think, believe and are taught via symbolism as compared to 32nd and 33rd degree masons. So, what do the 32nd and 33rd degrees believe? It's nothing short of pure luciferian doctrine (basically the inverse of what the Bible records about Yahweh and Lucifer). This is exactly the type of worldview that can and will give rise to the arrival of a final, superhuman anti-christ and global world system of dominance, control and chaos. Such doctrines and ideologies can be traced all the way back to ancient Sumer and Babylon.

Some open-minded and honest research into this topic will take you places you never dreamed possible. I suggest starting with the video above and then branching out from there. I guarantee this topic will open your interest into studying history with a more critical eye and the Bible with much more enthusiasm. The Truth is so often suppressed, and it truly can be stranger than fiction.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

America's Identity & Role in Bible Prophecy - Mystery Babylon or a City on a Hill?

Was America truly founded as a Judeo Christian nation?

What can we say about the dozens of high-ranking freemason, deist occultists who signed the Constitution and drafted the Declaration of Independence?

What was their agenda for the new world?

A quick study on the architecture and city planning of Washington D.C. is so telling. The very name of this nation's capital (District of Columbia) provides clear imagery and links to the greco-roman nephilim gods that were and still are so highly venerated amongst the higher degree masons.

So, why so much interest and re-telling of ancient pagan mythology in the capital of America? Check out the video below to receive a compelling explanation as to Jesus' extremely cryptic statement in Matthew 24:28:

For wheresoever the carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered together.